- 隨叫隨到,從不拖拖拉拉。
- 不在乎工作環境,專心致志。
- 不抱怨,經常反省自己~唉我又錯了!
- 永不言敗,推倒再來。
- 牌好牌壞都努力,往更好的方向調整。
- 不管跟誰搭檔,照樣努力。
- 對於工作中使用的工具,從不挑剔,一樣順手。
- 從不嫌棄工作時間太長
Undo dismissed creations in Google Photos
When accessing from web version, in the bottom part of the assistant page, there is a link to discarded creations. You have to scroll down the page.You have to be very patient to scroll all the way down because Google Photos always show your other albums first before the link mentioned.