Lyrics on Wikipedia
Wikipedia: Der Hölle Rache kocht in meinem Herzen
Der Hölle Rache kocht in meinem Herzen, Tod und Verzweiflung flammet um mich her! Fühlt nicht durch dich Sarastro Todesschmerzen, so bist du meine Tochter nimmermehr. Verstoßen sei auf ewig, verlassen sei auf ewig, zertrümmert sei'n auf ewig alle Bande der Natur. wenn nicht durch dich Sarastro wird erblassen! Hört, hört, hört, Rachegötter, hört, der Mutter Schwur! |
The vengeance of hell boils in my heart;
Death and despair blaze around me! If not by thee Sarastro feels the pains of death Then you will be my daughter nevermore. Outcast be forever, Forsaken be forever, Shattered be forever All the bonds of nature If not by thee Sarastro turns pale [in death]! Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye, gods of vengeance, hear the mother's oath! |
Full Opera of Mozart's "Die Zauberflöte"
這段音樂很有名,也很適合測試 "音響" 系統。但是歌曲基本上,就是 "壞母親凶狠的罵女兒" 的片段,我想不太適合在歡樂、慶祝的場合播放演奏這首歌。
This music is very popular. It is also good for you to test the limits of your audio speakers. However, this song is about "a vicious mother scolding her daughter". I don't think it is a good idea to play this music on some happy and peaceful celebration occasions.
Alice Verlet as Queen of the Night, 1912 By Photo Felix - Bibliothèque nationale de France, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=9289426 |